LM ELETTROTECNICA INDUSTRIALE has a technical office capable of designing electrical diagrams with the help of CAD compatible with the Autodesk or SolidWorks standard.
We develop PLC software for the best brands on the market. We are able to study and implement multi-axis systems for the movement of products or things.
We have an electrical workshop equipped for wiring automation panels. The creation takes place both for panels designed by us and for those designed by the customer.
We offer an installation service using qualified personnel. The creation of the on-board machine system is provided with the use of the best quality materials based on the installation site. We can operate throughout the national and international territory, also following the installation at the end customer.
Thanks to our experience in the field of automation we offer a preventive or extraordinary maintenance service on even dated production machinery, in order to reduce machine downtime.
Thanks to our mechanical design department we are able to supply special mechanical components made ad hoc starting from customer requests.
We are experts in the creation of civil, industrial and pneumatic electrical systems.